We create possibilities in sports and sports business by combining data and insights.

Every athlete and organization has its own story. We utilize data from inside and outside sources to create insights, develop new type of stories and create new business opportunities.


Fan and customer analysis

The greatness of sports hides in people who gather together to common caus - to root for an athlete or one’s own team. To develop the business of athletes, clubs and leagues, one must have an understanding of their fans and audience. We help you create a clear view of the market you operate in and form a vision of your fans from the standpoints of marketing, ticket sales, sponsorships and partnerships.

Data strategy

We execute data-driven strategy work and data strategies to help organizations to lead with knowledge. We combine internal and external data sources and create clear policies for usage of data and intelligence in both sports and business. A high-class data strategy answers to questions what, why, who, where and how.


Market study and analysis

We use market studies and analyses to create cultured outlooks on challenging problems. The matters

Muodostamme markkinatutkimusten ja -analyysien avulla jalostettuja näkemyksiä asiakkaiden haastaviin ongelmiin, kuten uusien tuotteiden ja palveluiden kysyntään ja maksuhalukkuuteen. Toteutamme myös markkinan benchmarkkausta ja

Business analysis

We help you to form outlooks on challenges of sports business:

  • Sales and Marketing Analyses

  • CRM Planning and Practices

  • Ticket and Pricing Analysis and Planning

  • Market Strategies with Eye on Growth and Internationalization